My Writing

Friday, November 30, 2018

NaNoWriMo 2018 Winner!

I can't believe I did it! It was a very close call this year, and while I logged over 50,000 words, I did not get anywhere close to my personal goal of 150,000. Oh well. The project is now shelved until 2019. It's party time!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Twisted Austen Winners Announced

Thanks so much to everyone who read Young Wickham and entered the giveaway! The book will remain available on this blog just a few weeks more, at which time I will remove it. The story can now be purchased at Amazon.

Without further ado, the two grand winners are:

Patty Edmisson and Glynis

Both will receive a set of decorative clothes pins and ebooks of all the Twisted Austen stories, including Young Wickham.

The two runners up are:

Randi Chance and Deborah Ann

Each will receive a Young Wickham ebook.

Thanks so much to everyone. I will be in touch with the winners soon. I am sorry I wasn't better about replying to everyone's comments. I read them all, it's just that life is terribly busy at the moment (and that's before NaNoWriMo). Happy but hectic. I wish you all beautiful Novembers.