My Writing

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Giveaway - Black Sheep by Georgette Heyer

Attentive readers will know that on March 9th Georgette Heyer, courtesy of The Classics Circuit, will be the subject of my post. In preparation, I duly ordered a copy of Black Sheep from Amazon. Per our routine, my husband and I read this very fun novel together. While we have gotten somewhat accustomed to Heyer's abrupt endings, this one threw us into confusion (largely because we wanted more). Convinced that, as the end came at the bottom of a page, there were pages missing, I checked the page count on Amazon. It was listed as 288 pages while the novel had only 279. I wrote to Sourcebooks and received no response. I emailed Amazon and they sent me a second copy of the book, also with only 279 pages. If anyone out there has it in their ability to confirm the length of this novel, I will be very appreciative if you will do so. In the meantime, I have two copies of a potentially damaged publication. Instead of returning the unread copy to Amazon, I intend to use this opportunity to host a giveaway, something I have never done before. I am inclined to believe the copy on offer is complete and the page listing is wrong, but make no guarantees. To make this questionable prize your very own, I invite you to do one of two things:
1) Become a follower and leave a comment including your email address before March 1st.

2) Leave a comment including your email address before March 1st.
I am not as sophisticated as some and will employ the old fashioned, name-pulled-out-of-a-hat technique to choose the winner, who will be announced on March 1st.

Black Sheep product description (courtesy of Amazon):
Abigail Wendover, on the shelf at 28, is kept busy when her niece falls head over heels in love with a handsome fortune hunter and Abbie is forced into a confrontation with his scandalous uncle.

Miles Calvery is the black sheep of his family- enormously rich from a long sojourn in India, disconcertingly blunt and brash. But he turns out to be Abbie's most important ally in keeping her niece out of trouble.

But how can he possibly be considered eligible when she has worked so hard to rebuff his own nephew's suit for her niece? And how can she possibly detach from an ailing sister who needs her? This is a heroine who has to be, literally, swept off her feet . . .
I'm quite anxious to see how this giveaway notion plays out and suspect it will be great fun. Good luck to all who enter!


  1. That is strange about the page count, hmmm...
    I will enter anyway :)

    I am a previous follower!


  2. Hi Muse. I hope someone will be able to set us straight regarding page count. I really would enjoy ten more pages, but I feel that way about most of Heyer's books I've read.

    Thanks for entering!

  3. The page count is correct, I check the Seattle Public Library's catalog and they list it as 279 pages. :)

    I would like to enter:
    serenetopaz at gmail dot com

  4. Hi Katherine. Thanks for the clarification and for entering. Good luck!

  5. Ello! I'm still trying to work up a nice comment for the Northanger Abbey review (I don't like it - but I want to say more than that). millernumber1 at gmail dot com!

  6. Hi ibmiller. I can well imagine you didn't like the film. Don't feel the need to be nice - while I might struggle with such qualms you have no need to. It's a very strange film.

    Thanks for entering!

  7. I am already a follower...but not by rss. I will add your feed to my google reader and I would love to be entered in your contest.

    I checked the book out from the library here... and have not gotten around to read it yet and the page count is the same. I will wait and see if I am lucky before starting the library copy.

    I will read the "Black Moth" first.

    mail at emmahox dot com
    Emma Hox

  8. Hi Emma! I haven't read Black Moth yet - Heyer has so many books to choose from - but I hear good things. She just makes me laugh so hard. Thanks for entering!
