My Writing

Monday, March 1, 2010

Giveaway Winner and Poll

Congratulations to the Muse in the Fog, winner of the first giveaway ever hosted by this blog and the proud, new owner of a copy of Black Sheep by Georgette Heyer. Entrants (few but thorough) assure me that this is a complete edition of the book (there was a bit of confusion about page count; read the original post here). Please join me on March 9th for my review of Black Sheep when The Classics Circuit comes to call!

It was just about the time I started this blog that I began reading Heyer's books. Since then I have consumed a few dozen. While it has always been my intention to keep this blog as Austen specific as possible, it occurs to me that many Janeites, like myself, are also discovering Heyer for the first time, as Sourcebooks continues to obligingly rerelease her many novels. So I throw the question open to readers - should I post reviews/opinions on the works of Heyer or should I be satisfied with my one visit from The Classics Circuit? I am posting the poll in the sidebar and will leave it open through March 13th. Please vote and leave your opinion on this matter in the comments. I'm quite curious to learn your thoughts.

We've weathered February and I, for one, am happy to welcome March. It is a month of transitions - at least according to my Republic of Pemberley 2010 Brock wall calendar. In March Catherine Moreland visits Northanger Abbey, Elizabeth enjoys the dubious pleasures of the Hunsford Parsonage, Mrs. Elton first graces Highbury with her presence, and poor Fanny is left languishing in Portsmouth, learning thoroughly the lesson Sir Thomas meant to teach in sending her there, though without the desired results. I for one am quite happy sitting in my overflowing office, waiting for the snow to melt, and hoping this is the month that will finally see my book in print. Happy March everyone! In the spirit of my mother-in-law, I declare this my favorite month, as she dubs each day her's.


  1. Hurray! Thank you so much, I will be looking forward to reading this :)

  2. congrats to the winner! Georgette Heyer is excellent. I discovered her for the first time through Sourcebooks as well. I'd love to read any reviews you would post.

  3. Thanks Naida. It seems, so far, that everyone else thinks Heyer reviews are a good idea. I think her books are so fun.
