My Writing

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fabulous Review of First Impressions at Austenesque Reviews!

Meredith of Austenesque Reviews has written the most amazing review of First Impressions: A Tale of Less Pride and Prejudice. She says, "Ms. Adams has a beautiful command of language and successfully captures Jane Austen's satirical tone in her writing." No words could coax a sillier grin to my face. Austenesque Reviews is a blog totally dedicated to JAFF reviews, and I frequently wait for Meredith's opinion before buying a book I'm unsure of, as I find her taste very similar to mine, and her reviews are detailed and insightful. It is one of my favorite Austen blogs, and if you have never visited before, please read the First Impressions review and browse around Austenesque Reviews for a while. It is a wonderful resource. Thanks Meredith!


  1. Alexa, congrats on receiving such a wonderful review and Meredith - congrats on writing it !

    Alexa , I have to say I check your sales rank as often as mine ( LOL) and I am so happy to see your beautiful story sales so well !

  2. Thanks Lory! I am completely amazed that the book has been selling so well, and, of course, I too have become an Amazon junkie, checking it at least a couple times a day. I still am waiting for a full months of sales data to be collected so I can start trying to learn the relationship between that elusive amazon sales rank and actual purchases.
