My Writing

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cast your vote in the Jane Austen Made Me Do It Short Story Contest!

All the submission are in and voting has commenced in the Jane Austen Made Me Do It Short Story Contest! There are 87 entries, so reading them all will take some time, but what better way to kill your free time than reading Austen inspired stories? There are only two weeks during which voting is open, so please don't dawdle! Relish the pleasure of consuming all these tales (the variety is enormous!) and then cast your vote for your favorite three. I cannot help but to make mention of my own story, entitled "Henry and Maria", which I hope some of you will enjoy enough to vote for. Quite frankly, as I took the risk of writing about the always controversial Mansfield Park, I feel like I can use all the goodwill I can muster! Read the stories at before following the link at the top of the page to the ballot. Enjoy!


  1. I read Henry and Maria and find it interesting and delightful. I must say it is one of the well written short stories that I encounter though I read only a handful. Wish you all the best and hope your story will be published.

  2. Thanks Luthien84! I really appreciate the feedback.
