My Writing

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tea at Pemberley with Kitty

I'm so excited to be participating in the fabulous Tea at Pemberley at vvb32 Reads! Tonight is all about Kitty, and I hope you enjoy her reading of a scene immediately proceeding the climax of Second Glances: A Tale of Less Pride & Prejudice Continues. I usually strive to allow no spoilers in the scenes I share with the blogosphere, but I made a big exception in this case. Now there is nothing left to be done but fret over the decision. I'm sure Kitty feels pensive about it too. A hearty round of supportive comments would be soothing to us both.

There is also an opportunity to win my fair book, for which I am still eagerly awaiting more reviews. It's interesting to see that First Impressions has received more new reviews since Second Glances' release. Dare I hope there is a tidal wave coming? So far, those I have received are generous. May the trend continue!

Be sure to check out all the Tea at Pemberley events, which are being kept secret until they happen. Today there is a really yummy looking rout cake recipe posted, which I'd just love to try. All I need are some currents and rosewater ...

1 comment:

  1. not hard to find currants and rosewater is at your pharmacy.. i'll put the kettle on ;)
