My Writing

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Conversations with Bard 3

So I didn't label two and one. Schade. They're the last two posts. 

I ran into an interesting (and really reassuring) snag. I asked Bard a series of questions about the chart composed previously. Its programming has been updated now to make it clear that the chart was an example of how I might structure such a thing. Bard can't do it for me. Unfortunately, this only became clear after trying to let it process the entire rough draft, in its current form, and extract the needed data. After several hours, Bard claimed to be 90% complete, and then someone shut the computer and it lost the progress (it did say it could be saved when complete, but not mid-process). When I tried again, Bard firmly told me it could not do such things. I tried it again just uploading the next chapter, but Bard couldn't process the info that way, either, but it could roughly outline what happened in the second chapter. I'm not sure that's really helpful. You can follow the conversation here: Can Bard create a graph? No.

As said, I found this reassuring. Bard can neither write compelling text nor do all the hard novel planning for me. These are good things for writers.

But I'm serious about writing Bard into the story, and I've started a new forward for it based on the concept. It really solves a lot of the problems I've been having, taking a story started 12 years ago, one which already warps time and space, and trying to root it in the present. Yay muse! Or yay Bard, as you might argue. And yay Shakespeare, too, cause why not? Maybe Bard is like the conduit for my muse, a la Delphic oracle? Whatever. This is fun.

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