Friday, March 5, 2010

First Impressions Animated Scene

This is rather silly. Inspired by Mags of AustenBlog, I wasted an unconscionable chunk of my day at xtranormal animating a scene from my book. The result is rather stilted, emotionless dialogue and a Charlotte and Elizabeth who have been reduced to rather tarty looking Lego characters (please ignore the miniskirts), but it was fun nonetheless. I'm not sure it will make anyone more likely to read my book, but I do hope it doesn't prove counterproductive. Enjoy.


  1. Oh, how fun! I can see how it took a good amount of time to do. But I love it so I'm glad you did. :-)

  2. I so look forward to reading your book once it becomes available.

  3. Thanks Ruth and Katherine! I'm STILL waiting for Outskirts to give me a publication date, but it will hopefully be soon. This was kind of a Friday, I-don't-feel-like-really-working kind of project, but it was fun.

  4. LOL! That was too cute! I loved the gestures they made with their hands.
