Please stop by
A Spoonful of Happy Endings, a truly lovely blog, and read the fabulous review Jody wrote for
Second Glances: A Tale of Less Pride & Prejudice Continues. I do think Sir James Stratton the most charming creature I have ever imagined. Less charming (but terribly tantalizing, I hope) is the excerpt from my next book,
The Madness of Mr. Darcy, which follows Jody's review. The scene depicts a conversation between an unhinged Mr. Darcy and radically altered Mr. Wickham. This book is my obsession and entirely to blame for my poor blogging habits so far this year. I'm about 50,000 words into draft two. Working with the unruly rough draft composed during NaNoWriMo is kind of like quilting: there is so much to piece together, and I'm impatient for the final product! A third draft will be required before I let anyone see it, but critics and well-wishers a like will be pleased to know this novel will be subjected to a proper beta-editing process, not just the gracious eyes of my relations. I really fell into this self-publishing thing not knowing at all what I was about, and only learned of beta-readers while working through my last novel. Pitiful, I know, but it is the sad truth. My hope is that
The Madness of Mr. Darcy will be a far more mature work than the
Tales of Less Pride & Prejudice stories. The plot is certainly more complicated, and I have allowed myself to explore darker feelings and themes than before. I'm itching for feedback, so please let me know what you think!
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