Monday, November 2, 2020

Twisted Austen Giveaway Winner

Thanks to everyone who joined me to read The Ladies of Norland! I am so pleased that I was able to pull it off this year and quite relieved there isn't a lynch mob outside my door. If you enjoyed the story, please take a few minutes to post a review on Amazon or Goodreads. I should greatly appreciate it.

My apologies to the delay in approving/replying to comments. I apparently turned off some notification somewhere, and most of the comments flew beneath my radar. All are now published. So sorry about that. I'm out of practice with this whole blogging thing.

With no further ado, the winner of the giveaway is ...

Mrs. GypsyPirate!

Congratulations! And what has she won? Choice of paperback or ebook copy of Being Mrs. Bennet, an ebook copy of The Ladies of Norland, two beautiful tea towels, purchased locally, and a wax stamping set to give her correspondence a 19th century flair. I've tried to post a picture, but blogger seems broken. It won't except any new image uploads. Schade. 

Once again, my deepest thanks to the readers who joined me for this event, especially those of you who have come back through the years. It am deeply honored.

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