Following the best dinner in which he had ever
partaken, and which he thankfully managed to survive without making any major etiquette
blunders, George was called into Mr. Darcy’s study for a private conversation
with his aunt and uncle. The latter’s rigid formality intimidated George, but
he was determined not to let his behavior betray that fact and maintained a warm
and cheerful demeanor throughout the interview, mostly conducted by Mrs. Darcy.
She inquired into the state her sister’s household and offspring while her
husband watched on, observing attentively and with what George believed to be
“Your mother
suggested Samuel is suited to a career in the military.”
George laughed
and shook his head. “I cannot see him submitting to the discipline required.”
“He is
“Mama calls him a
“It is often such
boys who require stronger discipline. Military life might prove the making of
“Perhaps,” George conceded. “Some officers are
very good men, I am sure. I believe Mr. Darcy’s cousin, General Fitzwilliam, to
be among the best. He occasionally calls on my mother, you know, to pay his
respects when he is in that part of the country.”
Mrs. Darcy looked
to her husband, who seemed surprised by this report, and replied, “I did not
“If Sammy were to join the military, I should
like him to become an officer in General Fitzwilliam’s style. Not so high, of
course,” he added consciously, “but he is a fine, honorable man, do you not
think so?”
“I know few better.”
“That is what I thought. He is always very
gracious with my mother, all ease and consideration, and greets me by name. I
know little of his military adventures but what is implied by his rank, yet he
is what I would call a fine officer. They are not all like that,” he confided,
thinking of his own father.
“No,” Mrs. Darcy replied sadly. “Wherever life
takes you, unfortunately, you will find that be true of men, regardless of
“Yes. I suppose I
must,” he said, his young face serious with consideration.
“Tell me, does
Lydia have many callers?”
“Oh yes, my
mother is very popular and has lots of friends.”
“Good. I should
hate to think her lonely.”
He smiled. “That
is one worry I do not have for Mama.”
“But you have
others?” she asked gently.
“Yes,” he sighed. “More than I can count. You
see, Mama is not a very good manager, but you must know that, having grown up
with her.”
She smiled. “She
was always first to spend all her pocket money.”
“She has no patience with numbers. I became
accustomed in the last few years to do her accounting for her. She is forever
short on funds and will be more so now that my father has passed. It was very
good timing, sir,” he turned towards Mr. Darcy, “your sending for me when you
did. Thank you, on behalf of all my family, for this opportunity. I will do my
best to prove worthy of your trust.”
“I am sure you will,
George,” Mrs. Darcy replied on her husband’s behalf.
“I will not
disappoint you, Mr. Darcy,” he persisted.
The great man sat on in a deep silence which
seems to last forever to poor George, then said, “You may call me Uncle Darcy.”
George, clearly touched, stood and reached out
a hand to grasp his uncle’s, shaking it warmly. “Thank you, Uncle Darcy.”
Mr. Darcy, somewhat taken aback by the boy’s
emotion, replied uneasily. “Certainly, certainly. It is rather late, is it
not?” he turned towards his wife with a look of desperation.
“It is. You must
be exhausted, George, and had best be off to bed. Can you find your way?”
“Yes, Aunt Darcy, I believe I can. Thank you,”
he embraced her, a gesture she both welcomed and returned.
“Goodnight, my
dear. And I am Aunt Lizzy to all my nieces and nephews. You may call me that as
He hugged her one
last time. “Goodnight, Aunt Lizzy. Goodnight, Uncle Darcy.”
“Goodnight, Nephew,” Mr. Darcy replied,
finding it easier to own the relationship than to use the lad’s given name. When the door was closed behind him and his
footsteps receded down the hall, Mr. Darcy sank back into his chair with
relief. “I am glad that is over. He seems a good lad, but the resemblance to
his father is unnerving.” He rubbed his temples with his fingers. “This is
going to be even more difficult than I anticipated.”
Mrs. Darcy moved behind him and took over
massaging his head. Mr. Darcy closed his eyes and abandoned himself to his
wife’s ministrations. She soothed his brow for several minutes before asking.
“You did not know Richard was in contact with my sister?”
He kept his eyes shut as he responded. “No,
but it does not surprise me. I knew he kept an eye on Wickham. This must have
been his way of letting him know he was being watched and had best not neglect
his duty to his family. If he had found Lydia in truly bad straits, I think he
must have told me. This gives me hope her situation is not as desperate as
“Does he know
George is here now?” she inquired.
“I told him he was coming in my last letter,
but I have no way to know if he has yet received it. It might very well be
chasing him about the continent.”
“I should like to hear his perspective on my
sister’s predicament. George’s account of Lydia’s behavior is all too believable.
She sounds just as she always was, careless and consumed with frivolity. He
does not think well of the military, I fear.” She rested her hands on her
husband’s shoulders and thought for a moment before starting to massage his
neck. “I do not think he was fond of his father.”
Darcy opened his eyes. “I get that impression
as well. I should say such discernment speaks well for the boy, but it is a
terribly irreverent sentiment to express.”
“He has said
nothing to dishonor his father’s memory,” she noted.
“No. Generally, my impression of him is quite
favorable. If only he did not so remind me of the past! I want to be fair to
the boy, but when I look at him, I cannot help but see his father.”
“I can see him too, though I never knew him at
this age. I also see some of Lydia, but not in the boy’s behavior. His manners are
much what they should be.”
“They are. For
that, we must be grateful.”
“Mr. Carson tells me he made George’s
acquaintance this morning and was quite enthused to find him so learned.
Apparently, he was the recipient of an education quite unanticipated, thanks to
this benevolent neighbor he speaks of, Mr. Wilkinson, who undertook the task.
He must have perceived something very special in the child to submit to such a
Mr. Darcy was
much struck by the notion. “Very true.”
She stopped what
she was doing and walked around his chair to look at her husband. “Better?”
“Much. Thank
She laid a hand upon his knee. “It has only
been one day, I know, but I believe we have been fortunate in the acquisition
of our nephew.”
He smiled at her, his face devoid of the
tension it formerly carried. “I think you may be correct. I do so hope you
George, accustomed to sharing a bed with two
brothers, was having difficulty falling asleep. As he lay considering the many
events of the day, there was a soft knock at his door.
“Come in!” he
called, glad for the distraction.
Edmund stuck a
capped head into the room. “I did not wake you?” he asked.
“Not at all. I doubt I shall have any sleep
tonight, in a strange place with so many new impressions to contemplate.”
Edmund sat himself on the bed, where George
had pointed him. “I hope the experience
was not too much for you.”
“Not too much, no,
but it is a great deal to take in.”
“I cannot imagine
what it must be like, to leave your home and go out in the world on your own.”
“Well, I am not
on my own. I am with family,” he smiled broadly.
“Yes. Of course, you are.” Edmund looked at
him thoughtfully before asking, “Are you not worried about father?”
George’s smile fell. “Yes. It is unfortunate
he disliked mine so. I hope he will come to judge me for myself in time.” He
grinned again. “He has told me to call him Uncle Darcy. I think that can be
counted a step in the right direction.”
“Perhaps, though I do not know what else you should
properly call him. Father is a fair man, even if he seems a bit formidable.” He
studied his cousin. “You seem like a good person.”
George’s expressive face revealed some chagrin
at this observation. “Is there a reason why I would not be?”
Edmund looked conscious. “I believe there was
some concern you would take after your parents,” he said softly.
George was quiet as he digested this
information, then he said, “Our mothers are sisters. As far as I understand it,
our fathers were raised like brothers. Why should I be a product of my
environment any more than they?”
“I meant no
offense,” Edmund quickly replied. “I am sorry I spoke so.”
“I believe you. You seem like a good person,
too.” His smile was restored and Edmund returned it three fold.
“I think I am. I try to be. Which is more than
I can say for some,” he said ominously. “You ought to be careful around Tom. I
would not trust him too much, if I were you.”
“He seems a nice enough fellow.” Edmund looked
doubtful. “Perhaps he is a bit mischievous, but that is no unusual thing.”
“He can be more
than mischievous. He can be cruel and controlling.”
“Some dominant
tendencies are surely natural in the heir of such a fine estate.”
“Tom’s behavior goes beyond that. I have no
wish to set you against him. I just want to put you on your guard. Do not allow
him to lead you into trouble. It will not serve you well with Father.”
“Thank you for
your concern. I will keep your advice in mind.”
“Good. It is late, and you must be tired. I
just wanted to see how you were settled,” he said, rising. “I shall leave you
“I doubt I shall sleep a wink, but thank you,
Edmund, for your concern and making me feel welcome. I am most appreciative,”
he put out a hand to shake and Edmund grasped it firmly.
“I am glad you
have come, George. I hope we shall be good friends.”
“I think we will.
You and I are much alike, I suspect.”
“Mother told me
you are a great reader.”
“I adore books. When
I have leisure for them, they are my best companions.”
“Has anyone shown
you the library yet?”
George’s eyes lit up. “No! Aunt Lizzy has
promised me a tour tomorrow, and I am most anxious to inspect that room, in
“If you are an early riser, I can show you
about before breakfast when you have more leisure to inspect the books.”
“I should like
that. Thank you.”
“Call for me when
you rise.”
“I will.”
“Sleep well,
“You too, Edmund, and thank you again,” and
with warm smiles the boys parted for the night. Despite his protestations to
the contrary, the overwhelmed boy fell asleep within moments of laying his head
on the dense down pillow.

Stop by, read the story, and enter to win! Increase your chances of winning by leaving multiple comments (be sure to include you email address in at least one). At the end of the event (giveaway open through November 7th), I will randomly select two grand winners. Each will receive copies of all five Twisted Austen ebooks, including Young Wickham, plus a set (six each) of these adorable decorative clothes pins, purchased at my local grocery here in Switzerland. Two runners up will receive Young Wickham ebooks. What if you already have all the Twisted Austen books? Enter anyway. We'll work something out. This giveaway is open internationally. Extra entries for social media shares, but you must mention them in your comments for credit. Good luck to all who enter, thank you so much for reading, and have a very happy Halloween!

I am enjoying this very much. So what mischief will Tom lead George into?
ReplyDeleteI hope George sticks with Edmund and takes his advice not to let Tom lead him astray.
ReplyDeleteIt will get interesting to see which cousin ultimately has more influence on George. I am thinking that Tom will get him INTO trouble, leaving Edmund to get him OUT of it!