That announcement aside, happy October 1st! That means I am neck deep trying to finish this year's Twisted Austen offering: Becoming Mrs. Norris. What better way to celebrate the Halloween than with Austen's most Mansfield Park geeks climbing out of the woodwork. I wonder if anyone will have the stomach to read this story. We shall see. In the meantime, here's a excerpt from the work in progress:
ghoulish character? And here come all the

Knocking on the open door, "Sir? May I claim a moment of your
He looked up through a cloud of pipe smoke and fixed her with an
angry stare before consulting his pocket watch. "You have two
She stepped into the terrible glare emanating from the great
windows behind the desk, but she willed her eyes not to blink. Better to water
mercilessly than display such a weakness before her guardian. "I request
your permission to invite a gentleman to dinner tomorrow evening. He is calling
upon Miss Maria now. This is the third time he has called since they were
introduced at last week's assembly."
He sneered, eyes still on his watch. "I suppose I shall have
to bear the expense of feeding all the foolish gentlemen who are susceptible to
a pretty face and empty head. Who is he?"
"Sir Thomas Bertram of Mansfield Park." She tried to
hide the satisfaction in the words.
He looked up. "Mr. Norris' guest? The baronet?"
"The same."
"He should not be bothering with Maria. She's at least three
thousand pounds short of being worthy of his interest."
"You underestimate the appeal of becoming manners and
complaisance, Uncle."
"I doubt it," he snorted, "but if Sir Thomas
fancies an empty headed wife, I shall not be the one to throw a rub in his way.
Invite him for Thursday next, when Richards dines. That will minimize the
"Yes, Uncle," she replied and retreated, before he had
the opportunity to scold that her two minutes had expired.
You're very welcome!