Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tis the Season for Swag: Giveaways Galore One

I have two things happening here: a need to engage in some shameless self-promotion before Second Glances is released, and a bookshelf overflowing beyond capacity. The answer to both problems is clearly a massive giveaway.

As well a divesting my bookshelves of several volumes of Austenesque, I have also been toying around with scissors and glue, making Austen themed greeting cards. The first set of five I am giving away are Christmas tree cards, featuring seasonal quotes from Austen's novels. Though they give me cause to lament the appalling nature of my handwriting, I do think they came out kind of cute. 

So here is how this is going to work. There will be rounds of giveaways leading up to Christmas (I'm not yet certain how many there will be), and all the winners will be announced on December 25th.  To enter, please leave your email address in a comment indicating which item you are interested in receiving. If you want a combo of items, just mention this giveaway on the social media venue of your choice (and be sure to let me know about it). There are three items up for grabs in round one: the handmade Christmas cards, a hardback copy of Sass & Serendipity by Jennifer Ziegler (read my review here) and a paperback version of Emma & Knightley: Perfect Happiness in HIghbury by Rachel Billington.  I am sorry to say I cannot make these giveaway international, but finances confine me to North America. Be sure to check back as the month progresses for lots of other books on offer, including copies of First Impressions. Happy Holidays Janeites!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win a copy of Emma & Knightley.

  2. I have just found your blog and am enjoying your "ramblings". I'm also very glad to see another Georgette Heyer fan! I've put First Impressions on my TBR.

  3. I love the idea of hand crafted cards and I've read neither of these books so I'd be pleased with any of them.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
    sophiarose1816 at gmail dot com

  4. I would love to win a copy of any of the books - thanks! adkroll(at)yahoo(dot)com

  5. Thanks for opportunity!

